CAS Projects for Academic year 2023-24

Requirements if you want to use FISSTC as CAS

Attendance does not mean participation. As a member of the FISSTC, you are expected to take a role in a research group developing your personal interests as well as a working group. If you are involved in the FISSTC you can achieve a range of CAS outcomes, some of which are shown below:

Every member of the groups will be involved in a working/planning group and a research group. Being an active member in these groups involves planning and working together to complete a project. So all members should be able to achieve the following outcomes:

Depending on the type of activity chosen, some members could fulfil the following outcomes, although these would have to be reflected on specifically to demonstrate how and where the outcomes were met:

Depending on the type of activity chosen, it is possible to fulfil the following outcomes. These would require careful choices of activity to be made in advance (e.g. planning the debate in the FISSTC Science Snacks for Summer). These would have to be reflected on to demonstrate how and where the outcomes were met: