STEM Crest awards can be completed by any student at FIS. The details can be found at the FIS STEM Crest site.

Bronze Awards gained (usually group work):

Charlotte Falk 2019 “Factors effecting emf generated by a wind turbine”

Aurelien Szarf 2019 “Factors effecting emf generated by a wind turbine”

Melina Chatzisymeon 2019 “Factors effecting emf generated by a wind turbine”

Jeonghoon Lee 2020 “The effect of temperature change on a solar panel”

Saskia Hirao-Floor 2021 “Investigation on Effect of Soaps and Sanitizers to Bacterial Growth”

Patricia Janecsko 2021 “Investigation on Effect of Soaps and Sanitizers to Bacterial Growth”

Silver awards gained (individual research projects):

Jeonghoon Lee 2020 “The effect of increasing the temperature of a battery on its internal resistance”

Aurelien Szarf 2021 “Measuring Temperature using a homemade Infrared Thermometer”

Saskia Hirao-Floor 2023 “Making and Testing the Durability of Ceramic Jewelry”

Gold awards gained (individual research projects):

Dayeon KA 2024 “A Comprehensive Investigation into Aerodynamic Properties”