About Us

Current Research Groups

STEM Working Groups

CAS & CAS Projects

“Research at FIS and Beyond” Conference Series

“Science Snacks for Summer” Conference Series

Annual STEM competitions

Hall of Fame

STEM Crest awards


Other STEM opportunities @ FIS


<aside> 📌 Welcome to the FIS Science and Technology Commission (FISSTC)! The FISSTC is a group where students have made time and space to follow research interests. Students can work in groups, or individually, to carry out investigations in greater depth than designated class time allows. All research is expected to be shared with the wider community and will be presented, either on stage or as a poster presentation, in one of the conferences run by the FISSTC. We meet every Tuesday after school for planning and organisation purposes, 3:20 - 4:20 in room 337.


<aside> 📅 The next instalment of the annual ‘Research at FIS and Beyond’ Conference (2025) occurs February 21, 2025.


<aside> 📅 The End of Year ‘Science Snacks for Summer, 2025’ occurs June 10, 2025.


<aside> 🙌 If you wish to present a research project at either conference please email  [email protected]  with an outline of your project work.


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